join the adventures of randy dandy as he battles hordes of mosquitoes and never-ending paper deadlines

Thursday, July 06, 2006

So, first off, Happy Canada Day! A little belated, yes. But better late than never! I decided to join the mega-family for the long weekend and was pleasantly reminded that while my family might be a little rough around the edges, they sure know how to have a good time.

Shuswap Lake was the best place to be over the scorching hot weekend. With temperatures creeping into the late 30 degrees Celsius, almost every minute of the day was spent by the water. With a motorboat and a few jet-skiis at our disposal, we were never short of ways to escape the heat. A short boat ride brought us to Copper Island and some nice cliffs to jump off. Nothing like standing 15 metres above the water being heckled by a bunch of goofs in motorboats, just waiting for someone to do an accidental belly-flop. Oh well, I've never been to big on peer-pressure, so I kept things simple. No backflips for me.

The rest of the time was spent laughing, drinking and getting told off by the rent-a-rangers who patrol the place. Of course, I know I was occassionally a bit loud, but then what can I say? My voice travels. It certainly re-affirms that big, busy campgrounds are not for me. I'm not a party animal, but I do like to be able to drink a beer on the beach and stay up past 11:00.

Finger-waving park operators aside, it was still a great way to celebrate our national birthday! It's not every day that we can drag our family together from all over two provinces.
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