join the adventures of randy dandy as he battles hordes of mosquitoes and never-ending paper deadlines

Monday, March 12, 2007

Finally, a Day Off

I know, I know. I sound so hard-done by when I am complaining about not having enough time off while sitting in the sunshine of the Baja. But after a hectic week prepping and meeting and editing and revising, I really needed a day to put the computer under the bed and kick back on a beach, guilt-free.

Sunday I broke off the work shackles, hopped on some local transit and headed to Playa Balandra, up the coast from La Paz. This is pretty much the end of the road, as far as this road was concerned. The Playa Balandra was amazing - the quintessential arid beach, with dunes and undercut rock bluffs, and the turquoise water I was expecting based on the postcards. Fortunately, the postcards didn't lie. No bumped up blue-green filters needed on your cameras here.

The one kink to the plans was that I actually didn't intend to go to this beach, but the next one along... Playa Tecolote, the true end of the road. But I got off the bus before I realized I had jumped the gun. No worries, except for the fact I was counting on the few beach restaurants that I knew were at my original destination of Tecolote. Fortunately, I had left on a full stomach (I love you, Huevos Rancheros!) and had a few oranges packed to tie me over.

After messsing around on the beach, swimming in the ocean and bouldering on some cool overhanging bluffs, I decided to track down some food. To my fortune, I met up with a few folk from San Francisco, one who was living and working in La Paz! Basically, I just latched on to them, and was able to resolve the issues as to where I was going to eat and how I was going to get back home. I quickly realized they were a good crew to hook up with... we spent the rest of the day drinking cervezas and eating ceviche (that's raw, lemon-marinated fish/seafood for the uninitiated... very yummy).

The day turned into an odd adventure of beers around La Paz, a transvestite show at the current gay-bar in La Paz and some late night Tacos. One of the tastiest tacos ever, but my perspective might have been a bit skewed.

I think this day off should hold me for about a week. I'm not as young as I used to be. I think it will take me a week to recover.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Work and Play... It's All Gone South

Well, three days in La Paz, Baja California Sur, and things have gone relatively smoothly so far. All my nerves about not having enough language to do my work were not entirely justified. I’ve been lucky as the couple people I have held focus groups with have spoken English pretty well, thus relieving my need for translation. As for my Spanish skills, they are terrible. I seriously need to take a course if I ever hope to do more than order food. But I am pretty good at that.

The true test of my Spanish skills (or lack thereof) has been when hanging out with a gang of locals who my co-worker befriended a week earlier. They are a fun crew of the sort you’d expect to find on the street in Nelson, but with a bit more talent and motivation. Most of them are street performers of mixed variety, doing fire dancing, unicycle riding and juggling. I met them at the skate park, while they were riding. After spending a night partying it up with them, I realized how little I can actually say in Spanish. And it didn’t improve with a few cervasas. Anyways, still I must practice.

I just don’t have much time to spend learning the rules from books. My work has occupied most of my time since arriving, and it will continue to throughout the whole time. In fact, I might not even be able to take off the week we had originally planned due to a scheduling oversight. It looks like I will have to become a weekend warrior, even down here in Mexico. Somewhere in there I have to find time to work on my stuff from home and throw out some job applications. Good times!

At least the town of La Paz is a nice place to do this, if only for the moment. We will be here until Tuesday, at which time we will be heading over to the west coast town of San Carlos. So far, La Paz has been great, although we are centred on the tourist area. There is a big walkway (think Sea Wall in Stanley Park) that is a beautiful place for a sunset stroll, frozen chocolate banana popsicle in hand. That is when the town really comes alive, as people are off work and the day is just too warm.

As you can imagine, things are going well so far. Having the lap top makes life easier. Instead of sitting in crazy internet gaming rooms, I get to sit at the wireless café on the waterfront. Much better!
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