join the adventures of randy dandy as he battles hordes of mosquitoes and never-ending paper deadlines

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Goodbye Mexico, Hello Thesis

Almost a week has passed since I left Mexico, and I'm still suffering a bit from post-travel blahs. My last few days in La Paz were exceptional so it is no surprise that slipping back in to the normal routine has left me feeling a little dull. It seems almost unbelievable that a single weekend can suffice to make life-long friends, but I have no doubt that this has been the case. In a strange turn of events, I met up with a few La Paz locals who were able to send me off in great Mexican style. Better yet, they were able to send me off in great queer fashion to boot!

The fact that I met these folks at all is odd enough. Only by chance did I end traveling by bus to Puerto San Carlos, a day behind the rest of my coworkers. And only by chance was I seated by Oscar, especially considering that much of the other seats on the bus were empty. Hell, its odd enough that the word "gay" came out in our conversation at all. Its hardly something you just throw out there to some stranger you met on a bus in Mexico. Clearly, for once in my whole life, my so-called gaydar must have worked. So three hours of chatting later, we were pretty much good friends. A weekend later, I had met a good chunk of queer La Paz.

Now that I'm back in Vancouver, I certainly realize that this is what I fell in love with most in La Paz. I met so many amazing people who were quick to show me "their" La Paz. From fire dancing on the beach to roof-top barbeques, I felt I was welcomed every where I went. This amazes me considering the ridiculous company I must have been. It can't be that interesting hanging out with a gringo who can barely string together a few words in Spanish, let alone hold a conversation. Yet, this didn't seem to matter. And those that did speak some English, well, we are probably going to be friends for quite some time.

Anyways, this blog has somehow morphed into an ode to all my Mexican friends, the people who made me fall in love with the Baja. If they only knew how boring I usually am, things might have worked out differently. But they must have seen me in good light, or at least, slightly buzzed up on cervezas.

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